Wie unsere Figuren hergestellt werden

How our miniatures are made

Today I would like to explain to you how the miniatures are made by us. Printing works as follows:

The model of the character is loaded into the printer. This has a basin made of liquid resin that is irradiated with UV light through a display under the basin (SLA method). This hardens one layer of the miniature at a time. As soon as a layer has cured, the printing platform moves up a bit so that new resin can flow for the next layer. This process is then repeated 1000-1500 times for a miniature in medium, for example.

Once the miniature is printed, the printing platform can be removed. This is then placed in a container with isopropanol alcohol. A small propeller at the bottom stirs the liquid to help dissolve any liquid residue left on the miniature.

After this process, the figures are detached from the platform and the support platforms are removed. These are necessary so that the printer does not try to print a coat that is floating in the air, for example. Otherwise it would fall back into the pool without being connected to the platform.

The miniatures are then once again exposed to UV light on a rotating platen to ensure they are fully cured.

Then the miniatures are sprayed with primer if desired, which is supposed to help the color hold better. In addition, a primer in black and white offers the advantage that details are easier to recognize and a natural shadow effect is formed. (see ogre in the last picture)

The remains of the support platforms are then also fully cured and disposed of.

After drying, the miniatures are ready for shipping!

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